Sing De Chorus
Thursday, 28 July 2011 21:23

Disc One

  1. Country Club Scandal - Honore/ Tiger/ Gibbons
  2. Madame Khan - Caresser
  3. Songs of Long Ago - Invader
  4. Dew and Rain - Growler
  5. Workers' Plea - Tiger
  6. St. Peter's Day - Beginner
  7. Black Market - Beginner
  8. Leave Me Alone Dorothy - Destroyer
  9. Ugly Woman/ Trouble and Misery - Roaring Lion/ Beginner
  10. Los Iros - Growling Tiger
  11. The Gold in Africa - Atilla
  12. Treasury Scandal - Executor
  13. Reign Too Long - Beginner
  14. Louise - Atilla
  15. Graf Zeppelin - Atilla
  16. Adolf Hitler - Destroyer
  17. Love Me or Leave Me - Lady Iere
  18. Matilda - Radio
  19. Money is King - Tiger
  20. Victory Calypso - Beginner
  21. Coldness of the Water - Growler
  22. Let the White People Fight - Tiger
  23. Sedition Law - Radio
  24. Mother's Love - Destroyer
  25. Woman Called Dorothy - Executor
  26. Tribute to Executor - King Iere
  27. Sing de Chorus - Brian Honore

Disc Two

  1. Roaring 70s - Valentiino
  2. African - Superior
  3. Black Identity - Maestro
  4. We Want A Day - Superior
  5. Liberation - Valentino
  6. Third World - Valentino
  7. Black Power - Fluke
  8. Black Power - Cypher
  9. Nothin’ Ain’t Strange - Stalin
  10. It Ain’t Strange - Diamond & Maestro
  11. Black Power - Kitchener
  12. You Fooling - Maestro
  13. Thousands More To Come - Commentor
  14. Memories of 1970 - Duke

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