Monika Nicolette
Friday, 22 July 2011 02:14

Monika Nicolette

To be honest, Debbie Jacob describes it perfectly, though it is still an under statement. After listening, reading, surfing, trying, watching, printing, and checking both of the CDs I think there is much more in this project than words ever can say, apart from the well thought-out features on the CD itself. However, Pan in Education is the best thing I've ever seen that compact and informative. Scholastics of usually some years literally can easily carry it in a handbag. Wherever I go, I'll always have it with me to carry on working at my very own learning pace. Yet, working with it requires severe discipline. For one, I think in countries where you have UWI and Universities to study pan it will support the learning process. But in countries where we don't have scholarships for pan - and this is in all Europe - it is in fact a University in pocket format.

PIE can be recommended to:

1. Everyone! People who don't want or are not yet ready to study they just can listen and enjoy 13 nice tunes.
2. If they later want to work with, they can do so at any time.
3. It is the perfect tool for those who want to do their first experiences as band arrangers.

Explicit in Europe, the most in Switzerland and Germany where bands either are depended on expensive rehearsals with professional arrangers or got stuck with a certain repertoire for years because they can't find or can't pay an arranger at all, the CD encourages bands to achieve some success by their own. I'm pretty sure in every band is a person who's able and encouraged to dabble in arranging. Not to mention the young pannists who never get a chance otherwise, because internal hierarchies, elder pannists who misleadingly fear competition, retard them. As a matter of fact I know youngsters in these countries who stopped playing because of that, and this is a pity. In theory they could now take the chance and form their own bands, a repertoire of 13 tunes already was given for a good start. For a pocket money they even are invited to do so. In comparison: one single arrangement here is between US$ 95 - 230. If you want to include the arranger's help you can easily add US$ 230 for his presence per evening (two hours)!

Some inputs:

We still have a high amount of people who don't know the instrument steel pan at all. Also - audience and pannists - who aren't used to listen/play complex panorama tunes. Most of the bands are made up of beginners and hobby pannists, playing at private events to entertain, apart from England we don't know competitions. If PIE was meant to be number one of a series, I suggest you produce something similar for less advanced. As you would like to attract Europe (pannists & audience), advantageous for both parties were Evergreens and melodies from the charts. Because it is this music genre Europeans on an average do like the most.

In any case I congratulate you on PIE No.1. You can take my support in promoting it for granted!

Sincerely yours
Monika Nicoletti-Tung, Switzerland